
I’m smiling from here and up to my ears, trying to hold back a happy laughter, cause I can’t believe I’m in LA for just 5 days. Made me think about how fortunate I am to have the freedom to do what makes me happy.

Freedom is….

…. A short trip to LA between Christmas and New Years, not knowing where you’re gonna sleep when you land and a special person let’s you sleep at her place.

Grabbing “in & out” burger and fries first thing when you land.

Having no suitcase to carry around, just you and your bag pack, cause you’re a bag packer that surfs couches and travels all over the world, writing and recording music.

Freedom is, a walk on Melrose Avenue with the sun shining so much that you sneeze when you look up.


Freedom is, when you just had a casual meeting with “Quincy Jones Productions” and you got a few hours to kill before studio session, so you drop by “Floyd’s Barbershop” to get a haircut, just cause it’s about that time.

Freedom is, a jet-lag and coming home for New Years Eve, celebrating with some of your best friends in Copenhagen.

It’s walking to your favorite vintage clothing shop in LA, just to see if they got any new arrivals since the last time you were there.

Freedom is, stopping by “Bamboo Tattoo,” getting some new ink for the new year, that says; “FREEDOM,” and then straight on your way to Long Beach for a beer with a good buddy you haven’t seen for a long time.


Freedom is sitting stuck in traffic with a smile on your face because it’s okay and you’ll get there when you get there.

That’s freedom to me. It’s not about money, it’s about having the freedom to do what makes you happy.

2 kommentarer

  • Martina Schoenegge

    Dear Tim, thank you for sharing your thinkings with us. And there are even more moments of freedom you make me think of. Freedom may be when you help us buisy people to feel like you do while we listen to your voice singing one of your songs. Freedom can be to know that your music and your songs can help to make the world a little bit better… Just because you make us remember what is really important or what we can do to make a new tomorrow. I wish you all the best for 2017 and I will be happy to see you in Ghana.🙏

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  • Beautiful Tim SCHŌU
    xxx Jolanda Da Thesta

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